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Indian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic on CIS forum

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The Indian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic was present at the meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on May 23, 2019 under the supervision of The Business Soirée as well as the Chamber for Economic Relations with CIS and commercial partners.

The meeting took place in the prestigious premises of the President Hotel, Prague and was attended by representatives of President of the Indian Chamber, Mr. Manish Sahijwani, and Vice Presidents Daniel Revúcky, Petr Vaněček, Petr Zmátlík and Ladislav Horváth. The representatives of the Parliament and Ambassadors of the Czech Republic, businessmen from the CIS countries as well as the Czech Republic were present. The essence of the chamber is to do positive networking.

Members of the Board of Directors of the Indian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic - From left Petr Zmátlík, Petr Vaněček, Ladislav Horváth, Daniel Revúcky, Manish Sahijwani

Meeting exPrime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Nečas with Petr Zmátlík

The invitation and partners of the event

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