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Kiron Chopra

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Kiron ChopraMr Kiron Chopra is a Science Graduate from the University of Lucknow, a qualified Rubber Technologist from the National College of Rubber Technology, London and a Graduate of the London Metropolitan University and The Plastics and Rubber Institute of the U.K.

He is the Chairman and Managing Director of an Indo German Joint Venture based in Lucknow, Chopra Retec Rubber Products Ltd., which is an ISO 9001 Certified, CRISIL and Dun & Bradstreet rated, a Govt. of India Recognized Export House, 100% Export Oriented manufacturer of niche automotive parts which are exported to every continent. The company has today the largest range of such parts in the world and has in its client list, marquee brands like Aston Martin, UK, to whom they supply exhaust hangers, exclusively.

The Company has been awarded by the State Government on several occasions for exemplary performance, besides being rated amongst the Top 100 SME’s in the country by the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India.

Besides this he is on the advisory board of several educational institutions, for mentoring and connecting with budding Entrepreneurs. He is also an Angel Investor in Startups.

He was Chairman of CII’s U.P Council in 2004-2005.

He has also headed various panels at CII, on Infrastructure, Exports, MSME’s, Membership etc.

He was also nominated to the Prime Minister’s Task Force for MSME’s.

He has been a member of the Indo German Chamber of Commerce, for over two decades, besides the Chemical and Engineering Export Promotion Councils.

He is also a part of the Managing Committees of a Charitable Hospital and other Trusts, doing social and CSR work.

He is a voracious reader, also writes for various causes as well as for fun, and enjoys the outdoors and almost every kind of sport.


Never break the chain of communication because that’s the only human aspect which can make or break a system. Transparency and empathy help keep focus of the goal of any organization. Never lose faith in your ability to achieve and be the best in whatever you do.


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