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Opening of the largest Ayurvedic Clinic in Central Europe

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We are pleased to inform and be part of the great event. The co-founder and current President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic (INDCHAM) is opening the new Ayurvedic clinic in Slovakia. The Ayurvedic clinic, located in Puchov within the Hotel Sport Centrum, is largest in our Centreal European region and offers wide variety of procedures originated from India. The oficial opening and inauguration was performed by His Excellency Indian Ambassador in Slovakia, Mr. Harsh Kumar Jain.


So what is Ayurveda and how can it help Slovak patients?

Ayurveda is science of life. It is the Indian system of health care practiced from thousands of years ago, but it is relatively new to the rest of the world. Now it has been widely recognized as natural approach to health care. Ayurveda is a treasure which provides life full of health vigor and vitality. Key features are Natural lifestyle modifications, curative aspects which include Ayurveda therapies (panchakarma therapies) and internal use of herbs and its preparations, also help the body to prevent diseases. Ayurveda offers strong immunity, digestive health and increased vitality through natural ways. It also provides holistic treatment for combating mental illness as well. More over Ayurveda emphasis on healthy habits like ample amount of sleep, proper detoxification practices, body massage, regular physical exercise , yoga, meditation, good clothing habits, a balanced diet, adequate drinking of fluids, avoiding stress anxiety or anger and maintaining healthy social and personal life. It aims to create a harmony of the body mind and spirit with the surrounding area.

Life has become very busy and stressful for people in the modern lifestyle. It is due to continuous work, lack of sleep and lack of good life style. The incidence of life style diseases like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and over weight/obesity associated with cardiovascular diseases is high on rise, prevalence of these diseases has reached alarming proportions. As Ayurveda is recognized as foremost life science and describes ways to prevent and manage life style disorders.” The world is being attracted towards its potential. Ayurveda provides better solution in the forms of proper dietary management, lifestyle advises, panchakarma like detoxification and bio-purification procedures, medicaments, and rejuvenation therapies. The holistic approach of Ayurveda treating the patient as a whole, meaning intervention targeted towards complete physical, psychological, and spiritual well being makes this science a wonderful option in life style diseases. Traditional healing methods and practices of Ayurveda ensures their mental and physical health back.


We have asked the founder Mr. Rakesh Taurani few questions about Ayurveda and the healthcare approach.

Q: What is Ayurveda?

RT: Ayurveda is a natural healthcare system that originated in India. It is a complete medical tradition with highly developed branches in internal medicine, obstetrics, preventive medicine and nutrition. It is also a way of living that helps you to be balanced and empowered to heal yourself. It has a holistic core and purpose 

Q: For how long has it been in practice?

RT: Ayurveda dates back to ancient Indian civilizations that prevailed around 5,000 BC. It originated from the Vedas, ancient Sanskrit wisdom passed down from one generation to another for thousands of years. Ayurveda has had a long history since its inception. Today it is a living legacy taught and practiced in many universities, hospitals and clinics of the East, while also becoming increasingly popular in the West

Q: How does it work?

RT: To promote an individual’s health and prevent disease, Ayurveda employs all natural resources available, including aromatherapy, cookery, herbs, sound healing, massage, meditation, and yoga. Ayurvedic medicines are predominantly herbal-based. To treat an acute or chronic medical condition, Ayurvedic practitioner employs medicinal plants that address the cause, pathology and symptoms of disease. Remedies are in the form of powders, pills, jams or teas (some tastier than others).

Q: What does it offer?

RT: Ayurveda offers powerful health principles and healing practices to look after your body and mind, and enhance your quality of living. An Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle can be very helpful to treat and reduce the risk of many kinds of disorders that are prevalent today, especially those of the digestive, endocrine, immune and nervous system and also of the mind. Ayurveda also offers a set of therapies known as “pancha karma”, which are five types of cleansing therapies considered to be most effective for curing chronic conditions and rejuvenating a person’s entire organs.

Q: What is its healthcare approach?

RT: There is a unique approach of personal healthcare in Ayurveda, based on what constitution or body type an individual is. There are eight different body constitutions according to Ayurveda, and these account for our physical and mental characteristics, much like our genetic make-up. Your constitution is determined before you receive Ayurvedic treatment. Depending on what this is, your medicine, diet, exercise and lifestyle requirements are adjusted to suit your individual needs. This approach brings very good results and ensures that you receive what is right for you.

Q: Who is it for?

RT: Ayurveda means “the science of life” in Sanskrit. It is an ancient tradition that everyone can follow today. It is particularly helpful to those who want to improve health or resolve a medical condition through a more natural and holistic approach. It provides helpful insights and practical knowledge for people of all ages. As early as a baby in the womb can benefit from it, as prenatal care is a highly developed branch of Ayurveda.

Q: Why a person should go for Ayurveda, instead of other system of medicine?

RT: In other system of medicines they treat the disease only ,but in Ayurvedic system of medicine being a holistic approach to mankind, it not only treats the disease but treats the patients mentally as well as physically. It is a natural therapy hence it has no side effect or any complications, whereas other system of medicine has lots of side effects and several complications

Q: Are Ayurvedic medicines free of side effects?

RT: Ayurvedic medicines are natural and safe ,they have no side effects. Since they are prepared form herbs after proper processing according to classical ayurvedic methods of manufacturing.

Q: What is pulse examination in Ayurveda?

RT: In Ayurveda, a disease is diagnosed with the help of three fingers which denotes the specific aggravation of DOSHAs. Ayurvedic experts are more capable in diagnosing a disease with the help of pulse examination.

Q: Is Ayurveda related to yoga?

RT: Throughout time in India, the practice of Ayurveda has gone hand in hand with the practice of Yoga. These two disciplines share many of their principles and stand on similar foundations. Ayurveda focuses on understanding the healing properties and qualities of all earthly substances and activities, as well as the nature of diseases and their treatment, whereas Yoga gives priority to the attainment of spiritual self-realisation. Essentially, Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences that are highly developed tools for making our lives healthier, happier and peaceful.

Q: What is YOGA?

RT: Yoga originated thousand of years ago in India as a technique to help people achieve spiritual enlightenment. Today, people practice yoga to improve their physical, mental and spiritual well - being. Most forms of yoga involve physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Practicing yoga is generally safe, but take it easy in your first few classes, there's no reason to push beyond your limits. Also, if you have back, knee, or other physical problems, get the go-ahead from your doctor first, since some poses can aggravate injuries. And tell your teacher beforehand about any limitation or concerns you have, so he or she can help you with alternate or modified poses.Yoga strengthens and tones muscle, improves balance and flexibility and increases blood flow and vitality. It's also a great way to reduce stress. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found yoga lowers chemicals in the blood stream associated with anxiety and triggers other physiological relaxation responses, such as reducing muscle tension and lowering heart rate.

Thank you and looking forwarding seeing you and treating you.

Address of the Ayurvedic Clinic:

Hotel Sport Centrum

Nábrežie slobody 1926/4, 020 01 Púchov 

Recepcia, info, športoviská, hotel:

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T.č. 042 46 34 635, Mob. 0948 816 270



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