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M Missions

SEAK Energetics lights up India

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The SEAK Energetics is Slovak company from Prešov. Their technology uses 230V powerlines to transmit control signals. However, unlike traditional LON-based powerline communication, SEAK technology is based on harmonious half-sine wave voltage reduction at speed of 50Hz to generate coded words. That makes it an outstanding method at signal distribution on long distances and especially in questionable mains environment. The technology is so unique, the Indian businesses and municipal townships show interests into introducing the SEAK technology to India.

SEAK agreed with the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia to conduct a market research and find respective partners from the SMART lighting business in India in order to proceed with the market entry. After initial discussions and travel plans, the Trade mission was fixed to January 02 until January 15, 2017.

Government and Municipal Townships

During our visit, we travelled several states and met interesting partners from both government ad private. Conclusion of the trip was attending 3 days Global Summit called Vibrant Gujarat organized by state of Gujarat.

BEE - Bureau of Energy Efficiency which is the working for Ministry of Power.

EESK - Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. also working under Ministry of Power, their job is to implement the LED technology.

Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh, he guided us directly to Secretary of Power

We also met Dr Sekhar, who was one of the 1st persons talking about smart cities and has published several books on the topic, he has also been invited by many other countries to give them the solution too.

During our stay in Mumbai we have personally met Mayor of Navi Mumbai and discussed possibility of exchanging old sodium lamps to the new LED technology. Follow up will continue, but solid plans were laid out.



Private Companies

Empire Group Ltd - a decent size company in Real Estate Projects, has good network in the construction business and state government tenders. An MOU between SEAK & Empire has been signed and next steps agreed.


VBSoft - American Indian Company which is handling Smart City solutions in India and Middle East. The Vice President for technology was clear on the interest and promised follow up and MOU.


We also approached Swami Narayan Organisation, one of the biggest in religious organisation. They are having over 800 temples and over 3300 centres, if SEAK can help them to save on power, it would be win-win for everybody. Their biggest temple uses 900 kW power per hour.


Vibrant Gujarat Summit

Last but not least, the Vibrant Gujarat Summit was opportunity to meet and present to B2B and B2G partners from entire India. Prime Minister Modi was giving his inauguration speech, followed by the business leaders including Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani or Mr. Suzuki, plus top leaders, ministers, presidents of the world who attended this summit.
Based on the above, we may conclude it was very successful trip for all parties.

The Inaguration video from Vibrant Gujarat can be watched here:
Ratan Tata (Tata Group)- 0:41:50
Mukesh Ambani (Reliance Group) - 0:46:15
John Chambers (Chairman CISCO and Chairman of US Indian Business Council) - 1:27:30
Uhuru Kenyiata (President Kenya) - 2:53:44
Prime Minister Modi - 3:03:57




Based on the above, we may conclude it was very successful trip for all parties.

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